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Move RHEL Users

Step 1, on source

Run the following commands as root source) system which has users configured

for f in /etc/{passwd,group}; do awk -F: -vID=$ID_minimum '$3>=ID && $1!="nfsnobody"' $f |sort -nt: -k3 > ${f#/etc/}.bak; done
while read line; do grep -w "^${line%%:*}" /etc/shadow; done <passwd.bak >shadow.bak
while read line; do grep -w "^${line%%:*}" /etc/gshadow; done <group.bak >gshadow.bak

After running the above, 4 new files will be in the current directory (passwd.bak, group.bak, shadow.bak, and gshadow.bak). Inspect them and then transfer to the new destination system.

Step 2, on destination

Run the following command as root on the destination system in a directory containing the four .bak files.

for f in {passwd,group,shadow,gshadow}.bak; do cat $f >>/etc/${f%.bak}; done


Step 3, on destination

Run the following final compound command destination system in the same directory as the previous step

for uidgid in $(cut -d: -f3,4 passwd.bak); do
    dir=$(awk -F: /$uidgid/{print\$6} passwd.bak)
    mkdir -vm700 "$dir"; cp -r /etc/skel/.[[:alpha:]]* "$dir"
    chown -R $uidgid "$dir"; ls -ld "$dir"

This final command will setup home directories for the users.