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Registry file: /etc/containers/registries.conf

Login to a registry

podman login

Search for images

podman search mariadb

Inspect images without downloading

skopeo inspect docker://

Download images

podman pull

List local images

podman images

Start a container based on an image ID. Get the ID from docker images.

podman run --name apache bitnami/apache

control-c will stop the container for all of the run commands.

Start an image based on a tag detached

podman run -d --name apache bitnami/apache:2.4.52

Start the an app with port forwarding

podman run -it -p 8080:8080 bitnami/apache

Get running images

podman ps

Get all images

podman ps -all

Enter container in interactive shell

podman exec -it container-name /bin/bash

Commit changes to running image

podman commit container-name image-name

Check container logs

podman logs <Container Name> 
podman logs -f <Container Name> # Follow the logs
podman logs --tail=25 <Container Name> # Last n lines

Stop a running image. The container ID will be in the podman ps output.

podman kill <Container ID>

Remove an image. The container ID will be in the podman ps output.

podman rm <Container ID>

Remove all images.

podman rmi --all --force

Export image

podman save image-name > /path/to/image.tar

Restore/Load image

podman load -i /path/to/image.tar

Parameters and Volumes

Create a container mount point

sudo mkdir /srv/mariadb
sudo chown -R 27:27 /srv/mariadb # UID found in podman inspect
sudo semanage fcontext -m -t container_file_t "/srv/mariadb(/.*)"
sudo restorecon -Rv /srv/mariadb

Run image
-d detached
-e per variable
-p local_port:container_port
-v local/path:/path/in/pod

podman run -d -e MYSQL_USER=user \
-p 33306:3306 rhscl/mariadb-102-rhel7 \
-v /srv/mariadb:/var/lib/mysql:Z # :Z isn't needed if SELinux manually configured