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Pods and Deployments

Working with Pods

Pod Documentation

Using the build in oc explain it is simple to get the ducumentation for the running version of OpenShift. Here are a few basics.

Get built-in documentation for Pods

oc explain pod

Get the pod spec

oc explain pod.spec

Details on the pod's containers

oc explain pod.spec.containers

Details about the pod's containers images

oc explain pod.spec.containers.image

Working with pod files

Example of a pod file

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: hello-world-pod
    app: hello-world-pod
  - env:
    - name: MESSAGE
      value: Hi there! You've run a pod.
    imagePullPolicy: Always
    name: hello-world-override
    resources: {}

Create a Pod on OpenShift based on a file

oc create -f pod.yaml

Use oc get to information from OpenShift

Get pods

oc get pods

Watch pods deploy

oc get pods --watch

Get all resources

oc get all

Access the shell of a running container. Use oc get pods to get the pod name.

oc rsh <pod-name>

Use port forwards to interact with the pod on the local machine. Get the pod name from the oc get pods.

oc port-forward <pod-name> <local_port>:pod_port>

Delete OpenShift resources use the following syntax

oc delete <resource type> <resource name>

Delete a pod

oc delete pod <pod-name>