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Ansible inventory from a csv file.

Create an Ansible inventory in YAML format using the following steps.

Assuming that the CSV file has the following structure:

Hostname,IP Address,Variable1,Variable2,Variable3
  1. Convert the CSV file to a YAML file format

  2. Use Ansible's yaml_inventory_plugin to parse the YAML file and create the inventory

Sample playbook

- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: no

    csv_file: /path/to/csv/file.csv
    yaml_file: /path/to/yaml/file.yaml

    - name: Convert CSV to YAML
        path: "{{ csv_file }}"
        output_file: "{{ yaml_file }}"

    - name: Create inventory from YAML
        name: "{{ item.Hostname }}"
        ansible_host: "{{ item['IP Address'] }}"
        variable1: "{{ item.Variable1 }}"
        variable2: "{{ item.Variable2 }}"
        variable3: "{{ item.Variable3 }}"
      loop: "{{ lookup('yaml', yaml_file) }}"

In this example, the csv_to_yaml Ansible Galaxy module is used to convert the CSV file to YAML format. The add_host module is then used to create the inventory based on the YAML file contents.

You can run this playbook with the following command:

ansible-playbook -i localhost, inventory.yml