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Oracle Database 19c EE


Download the following software:


OS setup

Install Oracle Linux 7. Select Server with a GUI. or Minimal.

As the root user, configure the OS and create the directory structure.

Database installation.

As the oracle user:

Make a scripts folder

Create an environment script. This will hold all of the settings.

Add the contents of to Oracle's .bash_profile.

Create a start script.

Create a stop script.

Set the owner and folder and execute on the scripts.

Unzip the installer.

Run the installer.

As a root user, execute the followin:

As the oracle user:

Start the listener

Create the first database.

Edit the "/etc/oratab" file setting the restart flag for each instance to 'Y'.


Enable Oracle Managed Files and make the PDB start when the instance starts


As the oracle user:

Make the apex directory and unzip the apex files.

Create an ACL script. This will be need later.

Connect to the database

Change roles

Run the script to install a full development environment

Create an instance administrator user and set their password

Configure REST Data Services


Unlock APEX users

Run the ACL setup script created earlier. 

If you've never installed ORDS before. Ignore errors on the next command.