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Pics of Things
OpenSSL tricks
Download a site's certificate. This command will connect to on port 443 using the s_c...
Provisioning System
After you have completed the deployment steps there will be a complete orchestration system avail...
One-Liners: tcpdump Helpful tcpdump commands. Add -v to -vvvv to see from some to a lot of inform...
dnf install -y epel-release dnf install -y
Operator Framework
Operator SDK Download the release binary Set platform information: export ARCH=$(case $(uname -m)...
Istio: Install
Setup and Configure Download Istio by running the following command: curl -L
Pod scripts
Here are a few quick scripts to get pods up and running quickly on Podman. Gitea Gitea is a self-...
RHCA - EX180/EX280
Red Hat Certified Specialist in Containers and Kubernetes Notes, tips and tricks for the EX180 an...
Using oc to manage OpenShift
The Basics Examples of the basic need to know oc commands to deploy and manage containers on Open...
Basics Registry file: /etc/containers/registries.conf Login to a registry podman login registry.a...
Dockerfile and container images
Building container images using a Dockerfile. Here's a Dockerfile example that runs a simple nmap...
Kubernetes : Minikube on CentOS 7
Deploy Kubernetes on a developer's workstation. This example is on CentOS 7with KVM. It is a VM...
CentOS Linux 8 to CentOS Stream
Step 1: Enable CentOS Stream Repo dnf install centos-release-stream Step 2: Set CentOS Stream r...
LVM with cache
Create a logical volume with nvme cache. vgcreate storage /dev/sdb /dev/nvme0n1lvcreate -L 6T...
Session Control (from the command line) tmux Start a new session tmux new -s &...
RHEL Move Printers
To migrate all or most the printers from one system to another, run the following commands on the...
Move RHEL Users
Step 1, on source Run the following commands as root source) system which has users configured ...
Windows Management Consoles
CERTMGR.MSC Certificates snap-in CERTSRV.MSC Certification Services C...