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Session Control (from the command line)
tmux Start a new session
tmux new -s <session-name> Start a new session with the name chosen
tmux ls List all sessions
tmux attach -t <target-session> Re-attach a detached session
tmux attach -d -t <target-session> Re-attach a detached session (and detach it from elsewhere)
tmux kill-session -t <target-session> Delete session
Pane Control
Ctrl b, " Split pane horizontally
Ctrl b, % Split pane vertically
Ctrl b, o Next pane
Ctrl b, ; Previous pane
Ctrl b, q Show pane numbers
Ctrl b, z Toggle pane zoom
Ctrl b, ! Convert pane into a window
Ctrl b, x Kill current pane
Ctrl b, Ctrl O Swap panes
Ctrl b, t Display clock
Ctrl b, q Transpose two letters (delete and paste)
Ctrl b, { Move to the previous pane
Ctrl b, } Move to the next pane
Ctrl b, Space Toggle between pane layouts
Ctrl b, Resize pane (make taller)
Ctrl b, Resize pane (make smaller)
Ctrl b, Resize pane (make wider)
Ctrl b, Resize pane (make narrower)
Window Control
Ctrl b, c Create new window
Ctrl b, d Detach from session
Ctrl b, , Rename current window
Ctrl b, & Close current window
Ctrl b, w List windows
Ctrl b, p Previous window
Ctrl b, n Next window
Copy-Mode (Emacs)
Ctrl b, [ Enter copy mode
Ctrl b, M-< Bottom of history
Ctrl b, M-> Top of history
Ctrl b, M-m Back to indentation
Ctrl b, M-w Copy selection
Ctrl b, M-y Paste selection
Ctrl b, Ctrl g Clear selection
Ctrl b, M-R Cursor to top line
Ctrl b, M-r Cursor to middle line
Ctrl b, Cursor Up
Ctrl b, Cursor Down
Ctrl b, Cursor Left
Ctrl b, Cursor Right
Copy-Mode (vi)
Ctrl b, [ Enter copy mode
Ctrl b, G Bottom of history
Ctrl b, g Top of history
Ctrl b, Enter Copy selection
Ctrl b, p Paste selection
Ctrl b, k Cursor Up
Ctrl b, j Cursor Down
Ctrl b, h Cursor Left
Ctrl b, l Cursor Right