Command line
Be a command line hero.
Configuration tips, tricks, and things I often forget.
Apple macOS
Things I forget the macOS can do. Because you know, it's a UNIX.
Mostly Red Hat and it's clones.
CentOS 7 GSSAPI module
The GSSPI module has been built as a replacement for the aging mod_auth_kerb. Its aim is to use o...
CentOS Linux 8 to CentOS Stream
Step 1: Enable CentOS Stream Repo dnf install centos-release-stream Step 2: Set CentOS Stream r...
Custom CentOS ISO
There are many reason to create a custom installer. This example was created to add the console o...
LVM with cache
Create a logical volume with nvme cache. vgcreate storage /dev/sdb /dev/nvme0n1lvcreate -L 6T...
Move RHEL Users
Step 1, on source Run the following commands as root source) system which has users configured ...
NFS on ZFS HA Cluster
Build a high-available dual-controller storage array using open-source technologies.This solution...
RHEL Move Printers
To migrate all or most the printers from one system to another, run the following commands on the...
systemd services
Various systemd services. Oracle WebLogic /etc/systemd/system/wls_nodemanager.service [Unit] ...
Session Control (from the command line) tmux Start a new session tmux new -s &...
dnf install -y epel-release dnf install -y
Azure to Ubiquiti IPSec
Connecting Azure to on-premises. After you've created your Azure Virtual Network Gateway log ...
Ubiquti - USG disable NAT
ssh <adminusername>@<IP of USG LAN> type ‘configure‘ type ‘show service nat‘ #you...
One-Liners: tcpdump Helpful tcpdump commands. Add -v to -vvvv to see from some to a lot of inform...
commands the are mostly security and privacy related
Extract key/cert from PFX
Extract key from pfx fileopenssl pkcs12 -in /path/to/file.pfx --nocerts -out /path/to/exported...
Postfix TLS
Configuring Postfix to use TLS on CentOS 7 1. Install all required packagesyum install cyrus-sas...
OpenSSL tricks
Download a site's certificate. This command will connect to on port 443 using the s_c...
vCenter, ESXi and NSX.
Yeah, Windoze is here too
Active Directory
To get a list of the FSMO Role holders for a Single Domain. Get-ADDomain | Select-Object Disting...
Windows Management Consoles
CERTMGR.MSC Certificates snap-in CERTSRV.MSC Certification Services C...
Windows Install Media
./ ~/Downloads/Win10.iso /dev/sdc #!/bin/bash # --------------------------------...