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Ubiquti - USG disable NAT

  1. ssh <adminusername>@<IP of USG LAN>
  2. type ‘configure
  3. type ‘show service nat‘  #you should see rule 6001, 6002, 6003 by default
  4. type ‘set service nat rule 6001 disable‘ #disables corporate network NAT
  5. type ‘set service nat rule 6002 disable‘ #disables remote user network NAT
  6. type ‘set service nat rule 6003 disable‘ #disables guest network NAT
  7. type ‘compare‘ #just to see if you did things right 
  8. type ‘commit
  9. type ‘save
  10. type ‘mca-ctrl -t dump-cfg > config.gateway.json‘ 
  11. copy this file over to your Unifi controller,
    .’scp config.gateway.json root@<controller_IP>:/usr/lib/unifi/data/sites/{{site folder}}/config.gateway.json