IPA - Basic Commands
A basic list of command to manage FreeIPA services.
Add new a record and reverse record.
An A record is used to map an FQDN to an IP address. The A record is created using the following:
ipa dnsrecord-add <forward-zone> <short-name> --a-rec <IP of A record>
The reverse, or pointer, record is used to map the IP to a hostname. The command to create a pointer is:
ipa dnsrecord-add <reverse-zone> <num> --ptr-rec <host-FQDN>.
Note the trailing dot. This is very important.
This is an example of adding server1.i.example.com with the IP of to the FreeIPA DNS.
ipa dnsrecord-add i.example.com server1 --a-rec
ipa dnsrecord-add 4.168.192.in-addr.arpa 11 --ptr-rec server1.i.example.com.
Remove a failed or dead host.
ipa host-del server1 --updatedns
Including the --updatedns
option will also remove all of the linked DNS entries for this host.
The service must include the service / FQDN of the host.
ipa service-add nfs/server1.i.example.com
Add a new user lab1
ipa user-add lab1
Change the new user's password
ipa passwd lab1
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